From: Alan Friedman <>

Date: April 21, 2005 12:55:53 PM MDT


Subject: saturn with five moons

Hi all -

What a difference three weeks (and 37 million miles) makes! Saturn is

withdrawing quickly into the western sky and getting hard to capture

with clarity.

(also posted in the planetary folder in the group files area)

This was my first chance to try out a new manual RGB filter wheel with

my DMK21BF04 webcam and Astro IIDC beta 2.00.15. The detail (luminance)

was captured through the red filter. It is amazing what a difference this made in average

seeing (5-6/10) even though the exposures were 10 times longer (266ms). The white

light images were unusable due to constant atmospheric morphing of the

planet's shape.

At the end of this session I took a stream using a half second shutter

speed which captured a nice grouping of five moons (down to Mimas at

mag.12.9) clustered very close to saturn. This was combined with the

other data and processed in Photoshop.

10" f14.6 A/P mak/cassegrain with A/P 2x Barlow and SBIG RGB filters

for RGB, SBIG R filter for luminance.

Hope you enjoy it!

