From: "Duane" <>

Date: October 25, 2005 11:40:40 AM MDT


Subject: Color Filters :(

OK, I tried the new B&W Firewire camera this morning. First light (yay)

I need some more time using it. This morning was pretty quick and dirty.

However, my question today is, why are my colors not turning out right? I did RGB through 

the Apogee filter wheel and the image comes out like this:

All the images were shot one after the other, the only change being the flip of the wheel. 

In a new photoshop image I placed each one in their corresponding channel. Not until 

after doing this did I sharpen.

What's up with this color?

Also, is it normal that each of these colors have a little different focus? This particular 

image I didn't adjust anything (just took the shots). But I noticed on subsequent images 

that the filters had a different focus.

A big peeve I have of this filter wheel is the threading. It does not match the standard filter 

thread. I have an IR filter I wanted to put in the fourth slot and it won't go. I looked at the 

threads on the included filters and compared to my IR filter and they are not the same. I 

didn't use IR on any of these.

Any ideas on what I'd doing wrong? I took several shots and even have a very sick looking 

Saturn to do with my ill Mars.

Thanks for the help.
