From: "Duane" <>

Date: October 30, 2005 11:42:34 PM MST


Subject: Colors are making me mad!

I am trying to shoot with this B&W camera, and I must be doing something wrong.

First off, I am having a lot of difficulty trying to get an exposure that will work with all three 

colors. If I expose the Red properly, the blue is non-existant. If I expose so the blue shows 

ANYTHING, the Red is blown way over-exposed.

OK, so I shot a few Mars shots and I stack them up. These are straight from Astro IIDC and all 

three shots have the same camera settings. Put the red in the Red channel, Blue in the blue 

and green in the green. What do I get? A very mucky red color that doesn't show any real 

white or come close to the colors I get with color camera.

This time I did shoot  through an IR filter for all exposures.

Am I missing something there?

Please help me before I send this camera back for a color version :)
