From: "David Illig" <>

Date: March 12, 2006 8:26:57 PM MST


Subject: Re: If I Can Have Just One FW Camera...

David Illig:

Which one should it be? I've played with a low-end camera (iBot) with

modest success.

I can't afford a half dozen high-end FW cameras, so I'm looking

for recommendations for one in the under-$1k range. I would

prefer color, and would not complain if the quality were not quite as

good as monochrome. I would accept monochrome if assured that

color cameras are greatly inferior...

Can you fill me and everyone else in on what you mainly plan doing  

with it? For example, solar, lunar, planetary, DSO, astrometrics or  


Milton Aupperle kindly replied:

The direction you want to mainly use it for should be the deciding  

factor, but here are some general things to consider...

Lunar, planetary, and solar (via a Questar with full-aperture filter);

possibly some autoguiding, though autoguiding is a lower priority.

If I wanted to do only lunar and solar work a monochrome camera would

do nicely -- I could colorize the solar images as necessary.

If I read your reply correctly, while there are quality issues between color and

monochrome, they are not huge. I think that for my purposes the convenience of a

color camera would outweigh the disadvantages. So where would that

leave me in the under $1k price range?

Thanks for taking time to reply,
