From: Dale J Martin <>

Date: December 12, 2006 8:30:19 PM MST


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] Re: New guide camera wanted

Hi Milton,

I tried the binning tonight and that made a big difference, but the clouds rolled after about 30 minutes......

Is there a way to implement the Camera Controls being active while the Mount Control window is active but not Tracking?

One feature that I would like implemented is if the guide star has moved/or Astro IIDC has jumped to another star Astro IIDC would stop guiding. I leave the scope unattended once I start the imaging session and a few times Astro IIDC as lost the guide star and the mount has moved way off the target.



On Dec 12, 2006, at 12:20 PM, Milton Aupperle wrote:

Hi Dale;

Oopps, my mistake - I didn't realize how you were using it.

Once you bring up the Mount Control window, you can't access the

Camera Controls, so the behavior your seeing is correct.