From: "Alan Friedman" <>

Date: March 31, 2007 1:59:43 PM MDT

To: <>

Subject: Re: My final Saturn (finally)

Reply-To: <>

Hi Jim -

First of all, I hope this is not your final saturn - you are just getting your ducks in a 


Great shot and congratulations on catching some fine seeing. It was nice here too 

Thursday night - but the conditions looked even better on the north side of Lake 

Ontario. I spent the evening enjoying the view through the eyepiece.

I took the liberty of tweaking the color of your picture a little: RASCSaturn_var1.jpg

to subdue the violet cast in the rings and on the edge of the disk. I worked in 

Photoshop CS2, using the >select>>color range command and set the color picker 

on a spot in the rings with the strong violet hue, experimenting with the fuzziness 

setting to tune the selection and then feathering the selection by a couple of 

pixels. The color adjustment was then done using the sliders in 

Image>>Adjustments>>>Color Balance to make the tones more neutral. This 

command, along with Hue/Saturation, are the color adjustment tools I use most 


I also did a very slight adjustment in Levels to brighten the image a little.

There should be some nice little pockets of steady spring air after sunset so don't 

put Saturn imaging out of your mind just yet. Jupiter, on the other hand, is going 

to be one tough customer. I got up at 4:30 for a looksee Friday morning - Jupiter 

looked like a pearl onion lying in a pot of boiling water (with some spaghetti 

strands thrown in to represent the power lines that span the lower reaches of my 


best -
