From: "jimchung2338" <>

Date: February 24, 2008 10:00:02 AM MST


Subject: Saturn with better than average seeing

CSC promised seeing on the order of 4/5 last night in Toronto and the steady skies also gave 

me the opportunity to check my collimation which has been plaguing me the whole season.  

As it turns out it was significantly off and my test shots showed real improvement after it was 


I experimented with a larger image scale to see if I could pick up the Casini division all 

around but the seeing would not support this.   I think the colours are accurate because I 

adjusted the balance until the rings were a nice neutral white but it does appear different 

from my shot last year but I was using my set of Custom Scientific RGB filters for that image 

and the Edmunds for this one.  I don't like the filter wheel that I have the CS filters installed 

