From: "Mark Gaffney" <>

Date: March 26, 2008 4:37:14 AM MDT


Subject: dancing with the moons...

Yes Alan, It was an unexpected pleasure to stop and look at your animation. I had just 

"grabbed" your large scale "Plato" moon shot to send to and show my Dad, what indeed was 

possible( given many years of experience, I expect!) Without giving too much away- you must 

be using a barlow on the 10 inch scope you have to get so close to Saturn? Is this the case? 

I`ve tried a couple of times to look at Saturn through my 10 inch reflector but it was much 

further in the distance than you obtained! The rings show quite clearly on the "10" as 

opposed to my other "4" though.Yours, Mark Gaffney.