From: "aa27100" <>

Date: April 25, 2009 7:30:41 AM MDT


Subject: Re: Astro IIDC 404 B1 Available

Hi Milton,

suddenly I had a problem with version 4.0.3, in particular with "align and stack": the statistical hystogram calculation is ok, but after an unusually long stacking time it turns out that only one frame was used out of the many (tens to few hundreds) I selected through hystogram analysis!

Hence I took the chance to upgrade to 4.0.4: installation and first try were ok. When I launched the program later, still the same problem as before.

Downgrading to 4.0.1 I am back to normality. I am running Astro IIDC on a MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz (OSX 10.5.6), with DMK 21AF04. Any idea/suggestion?

I like your new addition of RGB/LRGB synthesis: for planetary processing it would be great to have a zoom option and a difference mode for easier alignment of the color channels (hopefully in a next release). That would save switching between AIIDC and Photoshop.

Thanks for your wonderful software and support!


