From: Milton Aupperle <>

Date: April 25, 2009 10:41:13 AM MDT


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] Re: Astro IIDC 404 B1 Available

Dear Antonio;

On 25-Apr-09, at 7:30 AM, aa27100 wrote:

Hi Milton,

suddenly I had a problem with version 4.0.3, in particular with "align and stack": the statistical hystogram calculation is ok, but after an unusually long stacking time it turns out that only one frame was used out of the many (tens to few hundreds) I selected through hystogram analysis!

We'll need to see the stacking text log file (i.e. "Movie Stack Log 20060510_125623_L.txt"). Please send it to the support e-mail address of :

Do not send it to this list.  I'll also need to know what your stacking too, lunar movie, solar movie, planets, stars etc. I may request a representative frame later on too.

Hence I took the chance to upgrade to 4.0.4: installation and first try were ok. When I launched the program later, still the same problem as before.

Nothing was changed in stacking since 4.02.00 and the only stacking change in 4.03 was adding the histogram stretch.

Downgrading to 4.0.1 I am back to normality. I am running Astro IIDC on a MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz (OSX 10.5.6), with DMK 21AF04. Any idea/suggestion?

Once I see the logs, I'll have an idea, but I suspect your using too low a value for "Allow up to xxx.x variance per pixel when matching pixel areas." That was changed form a verbal setting to numbers in  4.02.0 because the automated method for estimating sharpness will not work with Reference Movies. Please read the Astro IIDC manual on page 31 for suggested settings.

I like your new addition of RGB/LRGB synthesis: for planetary processing it would be great to have a zoom option and a difference mode for easier alignment of the color channels (hopefully in a next release). That would save switching between AIIDC and Photoshop.

Probably no zoom. I had considered adding a small enlarged view area, similar to how "DigitalColor Meter" has the small enlarged view embedded in the window. The enlarged view would be centered over the mouse location inside the window and would update as you shift the images around.

Also care to clarify do you mean by "different mode for easier alignment"? The current method is just drag or shift (with the arrow keys) the image into your current position.


Milton J. Aupperle


ASC - Aupperle Services and Contracting

Mac Software (Drivers, Components and Application) Specialist

#916, 742 Kingsmere Crescent S.W.

Calgary Alberta T2V2H8
