From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: October 26, 2009 2:01:17 PM MDT


Subject: Re: Is anybody experiencing problems with snow leopard?

Further to this, I just tried a 2x and 3x stacking under Snow Leper 10.6.01 and could not duplicate Antonio's reported issue. I tried a variety of monochrome 8 and 16 bit and color 16 bit movies and used different option in the stacking. It never failed and did not crash under my 45 minutes of testing. I did see one really weird slow down while stacking was going on in one case. I have no idea why OS X did that and it did not happen a second time. Maybe SpotLight decide dat that moment to index the drive and was chewing up all the CPU cycles and disk access. It wasn't repeatable, so I'll never know why it happened, just another Snow Leper "mystery".

Theses all were movies that Astro IIDC has recorded and have not been mucked up by some other application. I have no idea if that's Antonios situation or not, just wondering.

I also could not duplicate this other fellows reported issue with OSX 10.6.1 and monochrome 8 bit movies that are odd widths. He sent me images showing them (I know it's real) however on my x86 Mac mini that isn't happening at all. The Mac Mini uses Intels graphics chips, where as higher end Macs use Nvidia or ATI hardware.

It could be some bug in the Video Drivers for ATI / NVIDIA hardware. I've read that Apple has tonnes of issue in OpenGL, OpenCL and Quartz Composer with their own ATI / NVIDIA drivers for Snow Leper.

Hope some of this clarifies things.

Milton Aupperle