From: Milton Aupperle <>

Date: November 10, 2009 9:39:30 AM MST


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] November 9, about 2am.

Hi Howard;

Nice images.

Are you still stacking them in the Registax or have you tried to doing them in Astro IIDC yet?

If you have questions on Astro IIDC stacking (the manual discusses what things do, but not so much on how to do them) and I'll see if I can either refer you to something hat has been discussed already on the Yahoo group (from the messages I have cached that I can find) or answer your questions directly.

And the Yahoo search function is completely screwed up, which is why I have been considering moving to something like Google Groups or something else as a host. The only way I can find specific articles is to find the date they were published and manually flip through them to get to there.


Milton Aupperle

On 9-Nov-09, at 10:07 PM, Howard wrote:

Two minutes on the roof, two hours on the computer.

Two of the best pictures I've ever taken.  Thank you, Milton for both Astro IIDC and this newsgroup.

Howard Fink