From: Milton Aupperle <>

Date: February 11, 2010 3:32:37 PM MST


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] PGR Grasshopper Review - 8 months later


Talk to the developers of those packages ( Equinox Image and iCCD) and see what they say. They know more about them than I do.

If it's a camera not supported by Astro IIDC, then I don't have an opinion on it. All I'm talking about is the Grasshoppers for 15+ minute exposures and your not getting a good bang for the buck with them. Maybe the Grasshopper 2 will be better, but who knows.

And maybe you should learn how to do 1 minute Guided exposure first before running off and spending $2 to $8K USD on more cameras.

Milton Aupperle

On 11-Feb-10, at 3:23 PM, Mark Gaffney wrote:


I looked at the prices of Starlight Xpress cameras in Australia. I gather they`re somewhat cheaper than the SBIG ones. I guess it`d depend on how much you had to spend but what Starlight Xpress models would you be considering? Would you be looking at the SXVF H9C or would something cheaper do a good job? It`s a bit of a shame you`re now directing us away from Astro IIDC but I guess this is a specialised use..?
