From: Milton Aupperle <>

Date: August 7, 2010 10:53:33 AM MDT


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] Live image alignment method ...


If you record the movie to disk, you can de-rotate it after capture using "Field De-Rotate Movie.." item under the "Image Processing" menu in Astro IIDC 4.06.00. You pick two common stars to the first and last frames of a movies and Astro IIDC calculates the rotational amount for each frame and applies it. 

If your doing your flats and darks post, the correct way of doing this is to apply dark frame subtraction first, then flat frame correction and then field de-rotation last.

Note that this will not work with reference movies that can optionally be generated when stacking as they get re-sorted in the movie based on sharpness. It has to be original recorded and unedited movies.


Milton J. Aupperle

On 7-Aug-10, at 3:13 AM, yvesvandenbroek wrote:

I would like to use this on bright DSO's

one question that comes to mind, will it do derotation as well?