From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: January 10, 2012 10:34:35 AM MST


Subject: Astro IIDC 4.07.03 Beta Available

Hi Folks;

I have posted Astro IIDC 4.07.03 :

(1 meg download - no PDF help manual included) beta to fix some bugs that were turned up over Christmas.

This 4.07.03 beta release solves the following issues:

- Fixed x86 endian bug when generating the CLUT table for 8 bit monochrome movies with "Dark Frame Subtract Movie…", "Flat Frame Correct Movie..." and "Field Derotate Movie…". Previously the resulting movie would not be playable after creation.

- Fixes a sporadic crashing bug, if you have the  "Use XXXX gross alignment method" pop up menu set to "Lunar - Solar", and also have the "Use XXXX pixel areas for fine alignment" pop up menu set to an automatic selection method.

- Increased the granularity with "Apply xxx gradient leveling to reduce uneven illumination" pop up menu for from 10% increments to 5% increments. This provides finer control for leveling.


Milton Aupperle