From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: July 4, 2012 10:51:08 AM MDT


Subject: Upcoming Exoplanet Transit..

Hi Folks;

If your looking for a photometric challenge, check out the Exoplanet "HD189733 b" which is about 30 arc minutes east of M 27. Details on it are at:


Hubble and Swift have been measuring the changes in the Exoplanet's atmosphere, as described here:

For us, exoplanet "HD189733 b" (orbiting star HIP 98505 Magnitude 7.65) will start a Transit on July 12  at 07:32 UTM and end at 09:22 UTM. The dip in brightness will be 0.0282 magnitudes and there are 2 adjacent stars of reasonable close brightness (mag 8.1 and 8.93) for using as comparison stars.

PS: Have a safe, happy and relaxing 4th of July..

Milton Aupperle