From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: August 2, 2012 1:37:00 PM MDT


Subject: Astro IIDC  4.09 Beta 2 Available

Hi Folks;

Astro IIDC 4.09 Beta 2 is now available (1.4 meg download):

The changes made and bugs fixed are listed in the "4.09.00Bx AstroIIDC Changes.rtf" file.

The new features include Cropping movies (retaining bit depth too - as no one can crop Mono 8, Mono 16 or RGB48 and retain the depth with Apple or other utilities - "there ain't no App for that"). It also allows you to import images and manually align them together to create a tweened movie.

These are the final planned features and other than bug fixes, there will be no other changes made. So everyone start using it and shake out any bugs while I update the manual and do final code checks.

Barring some catastrophic bug, I am expecting to do the final release for Astro IIDC 4.09 first week of September - so roughly 30 days from today.


Milton Aupperle