From: Robert Hawkes <>

Date: September 21, 2012 10:15:48 AM MDT

To: "" <>

Subject: Thank You to Milton

I have just joined this group, although I have used Astro IIDC in a very modest fashion for a few years with a Point Grey camera.  I look forward to interacting with others who clearly have much more expertise than I do with the software.

I would just like to publicly thank Milton Aupperle for creating such a superb software product, and supporting and updating it so faithfully over the years.  I know that the end of the support period has caused concern which has been expressed here.  In my opinion we should not let that concern eclipse our appreciation for the work Milton has done over the years.  He filled an important niche and allowed Macintosh users to do things that would otherwise have been impossible. I am sure that at many times it must appear a thankless task to run a one person software company.  So simply, thank you.

While i know that for many individual users the Golden Key may not be a solution, I would like to thank him for making this option available (as well as a period to purchase additional keys) prior to the closure of the website.

I am glad that Canada has so many inspiring stories in terms of astronomical software development, including Dave Lane's Earth Centred Universe; Darryl Robertson's Equinox and Equinox Image and Maxim by the Diffraction folks and Astro IIDC.

I wish it was continuing (and those of us who are customers of Point Grey should lobby them regarding the importance of having a Macintosh based software that is consistent with their cameras), but even if Astro IIDC does end here, thank you Milton Aupperle for a wonderful product and all your hard work.

Robert Hawkes

Physics, Mount Allison University