From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: September 21, 2012 3:26:00 PM MDT


Subject: Updated Images

Hi Folks;

I updated my Astro Image web site:

with some new Planetary transit images.

The now documented transit of exoplanet WASP10b (which is 8% bigger in diameter than Jupiter and about 290 light years away):

and then closer to home a movie showing the First and Second contacts of the Venus Transit in June 2012:

Due to a partial hard drive failure, I lost about 30 gigabytes (35%) of the Venus transit, so it's incomplete and has gaps. Seeing was good - but I was shooting through clouds, dust storms and surface winds to 85 kmph from Mistusinne Saskatchewan.

Tonight I hope to capture the more challenging (Mag 0.025 drop) transit of HAT-P-10/WASP-11B which is about 1/2 the mass of Jupiter and about the same size. It's a 5 hour run starting at 11:30 pm and ending at 4:30 am.


Milton Aupperle