From: "daffyddsant" <>

Date: September 26, 2012 10:15:57 PM MDT


Subject: Re: Golden Key Back-Up and Restore?

Thanks for the prompt reply.



David asked:

I have occasionally had thumb drives fail, and always at the most inopportune times. As a result, when I'm going somewhere to make a Keynote presentation I carry a duplicate thumb drive.

Can the data on the Golden Key thumb drive be backed up to a RAID drive and then, if the thumb drive should fail, be restored from the RAID backup to a new thumb drive?

Milton Aupperle replied:

No it cant. You can duplicate the contents, to another drive - but it will not register after that. It's keyed to that drive and each drive is unique.

These are special Flash USB 2 drives that have a physical write protect switch, so they can't be written too. That should make it far less likely to be altered or corrupted than other media. Finding Flash drives with this feature are getting very difficult to do - which is unfortunate.


Milton J. Aupperle