From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: November 30, 2012 11:21:55 AM MST


Subject: Christmas Card 2012

Hi Folks;

Here is my Christmas card print for 2012. 

It fits on a 6"x4" paper at a resolution of 300 DPI. You can print them off and send them to your friend if you want too.

Here is the text write up I stick on the back of the ones I printed off, as my relatives and friends don't know anything about  Astronomy:

This image shows the large Sunspot groups 1519 (right side round one), 1520 (left side large one) and 1521 (lower middle)  taken July 9, 2012 from Calgary Alberta. They are intense magnetic storms on the Sun  that are  about 2,000°C cooler than the  surrounding area, so they appear as darker spots. The round sunspot (1520) on the far right side of the image is the same diameter as earth (about 12,700 kilometers) , so the big group (1519) on the left side is approximately 95,000 kilometers long.

I got the Galaxy Collage 14"x11" foam core mounted print back from London Drugs and it turned out really well.


Milton Aupperle