From: "milton_aupperle" <>

Date: January 10, 2013 11:20:39 AM MST


Subject: Re: Too late...

Craterlet doesn't record video - it just grabs an ARGB32 frame (no Mono16 or RGB48 or Bayer support). It's built off the "LibIIDC" code and that code buggy as all hell (I was asked to "contribute for free" to fixing the issues). It also doesn't support USB on the Mac either.


Milton Aupperle

--- In, "cosmicrock2001"  wrote:

You might give Craig Stark's (Nebulosity) Craterlet a try with your camera.  According to the description it will run TIS cameras on Macs,  but don't know about your camera:

Its described on the bottom of the page and free for the trying anyway.

and there is always Keith's Image Stacker for stacking on the Mac.  Let us know if it works.
