From: "Stephen W. Ramsden" <>

Date: January 24, 2013 1:45:11 AM MST

To: "" <>

Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] Re: Sony XCD-U100CR available on eBay for $150

yep ,  and the false color is better than any color camera will ever deliver on a monochrome scope like h-alpha.  ASTRO IIDC was the only product on the market that did this.  

Stephen W. Ramsden

On Jan 24, 2013, at 12:47 AM, Milton Aupperle <> wrote:

Hi Dave (and possibly others);

You would be wasting your money with a color camera if your just using it for the sun.

If you want to colorize your live preview especially for the sun (white light or narrow band), Astro IIDC can already do that.

This is described on page 94 of the Astro IIDC 4.09.00 manual:

The "Colorize Mono Preview. check box and "Pick Brightest Colorize Color..." button allow you colorize the live image in the "Video Preview.." window. It is only applied for cameras that deliver real Monochrome 8 bit or Monochrome 16 bit video. The effect is never saved in grabbed frames or recorded movies, it's just cosmetic in nature. The "Colorize Mono Preview" turn it on (checked) or off (unchecked). The "Pick Brightest Colorize Color..." button brings up the Apple standard "Colors" window where you can select the color to use for colorizing. The color you select becomes what monochrome white is mapped to and the chosen color is darkened proportionally down to black. This was primarily added for people wanting to "jazz up" their narrow band solar viewing for outreach programs.


Milton Aupperle

On 2013-01-23, at 9:55 PM, Dave Goodyear wrote:

I'm picking one up if its color. It will complement my grasshopper express 2.8 mono for outreach and live internet viewing. People always want color. When you explain the sun is white and our atmosphere cause the sun to appear yellow, it goes over their head. 

Dave Goodyear

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