From: "Len Fulham" <>

Date: May 15, 2013 7:54:44 AM MDT


Subject: Annular Solar eclipse May 2013

I would like to share with the group my recent eclipse trip - My wife and I drove over to the Northern territory to observe the annular eclipse. (Sort of local about 650K each way). We observed from about 1K North f the centre line through variable thin cloud. 

I took  a lot of images with my Canon 5DMkII, and later decided I would like to animate them. That is when I remembered Astro II DC and its movie functions. I converted the raw images to JPG and then imported 326 frames into Astro IIDC where I manually centred them. This resulted in a 40s video which I cropped to a a smaller size and then converted to mpeg.

If you wish, you may view the resulting movie and some photos on Flickr:

What a great tool Astro IIDC is!

Thanks MIlton!
