From: Milton Aupperle <>

Date: January 22, 2015 2:15:18 PM MST


Subject: Re: [Astro_IIDC] Imaging triple transit ?

Hi Ron;

On 2015-01-22, at 1:44 PM, "Ron Pearson [Astro_IIDC]" <> wrote:

Milton, Thanks for the info and reminder about the Apple Scripts, I found the file.  I've never used AS but will take a look at using it for this, but don't have much time to learn...  ; )  

If you check out pages 111 and 112 of the Astro IIDC 4 manual, there is a script which records multiple movies and you only need to change 3 values:

set grabforduration to 1800 -- 1800 seconds is 30 minute event

-- set the grabforduration to how long you want to record the event for in seconds

set increment to 60

-- set the increment to how frequently you want to record the movie at in seconds

set recordtime to 30.0

-- set the duration of each recorded movie in seconds 

About the only one you likely need to change is the grabforduration which is how many seconds to keep doing this for - which would be your duration event. I would add around 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after just to add some padding.

Make sure you do a practice run to ensure it's all working before doing a once in a decade type event. For example, make sure Astro IIDC is finding the correct folder to save movies to, that you have enough space to record it all and make sure you turn off things like prompt me for notes when capturing (Preference window, ""Prompt me for log notes after saving a frame or movie." should be unchecked).

Running a few minutes of the script before the event (ideally a day or so before) would be a really good idea too.

how does "Images to Auto aligned movies" differ from "Images to RGB movie"?  I've used the latter a few times.   Ron

Auto align will align each frame in your movie against the first frame and then create a movie from it. It's tailor made for this sort of event like planetary ones.

Let us know how you made out too :)

Milton Aupperle

On Jan 22, 2015, at 1:29 PM, Milton Aupperle [Astro_IIDC] <> wrote:

Hi Ron;

I imaged it back on March 27, 2004 using my EQ2/3 mount and a MAK 127 mm scope at 1540 mm focal length.

Notes on the above are down near the bottom of my web site:

I was shooting a movie clip every 60 seconds, then stacking each one. I believe this was at 7.5 fps and capturer around 230 frames per movie. Astro IIDC didn't have stacking back then, so I used Keith's stacker.

There were AppleScripts I included in the final DMG that can automate this process quite easily now. And once you have the stacked images, Astro IIDC can convert them back into a time lapse type movie pretty easily using "Images to Auto Aligned movies…" and then compress the resulting ARGB32 movie into an Mp4 using "Export Movie…" for a web site.


Milton Aupperle

On 2015-01-22, at 11:46 AM, " [Astro_IIDC]" <> wrote:

Hi,  if anyone is paying attention to this list, I'm wondering what others might recommend for imaging the Jupiter moon triple transit w/AstroIIDC friday-Sat. nights?   Is the best way to create a time-lapse from say a series of 30 sec. movie stack and create a series of still frames?  What time interval would you suggest?

thanks.   Ron

Milton J. Aupperle

206 - 6414 Travois Place NW

Calgary Alberta T2K 3T2

Phone: 403-453-1624