
Date: April 12, 2015 10:18:20 PM MDT

To: <>

Subject: Venus attacks!


Thanks guys!

Tried some Venus imaging tonight at sunset before the rain moves in. 

This is a false colour image with red data from a Baader IR 685nm 

filter that passes only IR light longer than 670 nm. Blue is from a 

Schuler UV filter made to image Venus clouds and green was a synthetic 

channel mixed from both red and blue.

Milton, I've got the Grasshopper Express with the Sony ICX674 1920x1440 chip.  In 1920x1440 8 bit FMT7 mode I get 15 fps.  If I choose 12 or 16 bit, AstroIIDC immediately drops the maximum FPS from 30 to 15 and I still get about 15 fps.

If I choose 1600x12008 bit mode I get close to 28 fps.

Nice camera but expensive!!!!!  Luckily got mine second hand and sold some unused astro gear.
